B.E.Y.O.N.D. H.O.R.I.Z.O.N

B.E.Y.O.N.D. H.O.R.I.Z.O.N
journey through a long winding road

Friday, March 13, 2009

Journey to the South!

I’ll be travelling to JB tomorrow to attend my best friend, Nurul Jannah’s wedding on Saturday. So today, after work me and Azra (husband) will be headed to Segamat and early morning tomorrow, we’ll be on the road. We haven’t had the opportunity for honeymoon yet but for me, that’s not the issue. We planned to have a mini-honeymoon at Mersing, Kota Tinggi after attending Nurul’s wedding but I believe that Allah has a better plan for us. Tomorrow also, is the 100th day Atuk left us. There’ll be a tahlil after Isya’, so we have to rush back to Segamat after the wedding.

Azra was Atuk’s favourite cucu, it’ll meant a lot to him if he can be there for tahlil, eventhough he told me that we can ‘escape’ the tahlil if we cannot make it. Alah, just honeymoon, tahun depan pun boleh honeymoon lagi. Mersing je pun. Unless la kalo dah tempah flight ticket ke New Zealand, ha, yang tu baru aku boleh bersikap pentingkan diri sendiri.

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