B.E.Y.O.N.D. H.O.R.I.Z.O.N

B.E.Y.O.N.D. H.O.R.I.Z.O.N
journey through a long winding road

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

teach me how to make money. please.....

1. terminate astro
2. terminate wimax
3. makan ubi/keledek rebus seminggu 3x
4. hari2 lain makan nasik lauk telur & ikan bilis
5. jgn on kipas. sila guna kipas tgn
6. jgn pasang lampu. guna candle atau cahaya tv
7. buang aquarium
8. beli barang kat pasar borong secara borong utk stok 3 bulan. nescaya murah
9. ubahsuai baju2 lama
10. avoid jusco equine (paling bahaya), tesco ampang or giant kinrara
11. basuh baju pakai tgn
12. iron baju pakai arang
13. and etc

sanggup tak??? Nnggakkk!!!

Macam ni la org zaman dulu survive. sebab tu walaupun keje kampung anak 10 orang tetap membesar dgn jayanya. sekolah smpai abis.

Zaman sekarang??? Mak bapak sorang pun tak terjaga. pow lagi ada. *sigh*


Friday, March 13, 2009

Journey to the South!

I’ll be travelling to JB tomorrow to attend my best friend, Nurul Jannah’s wedding on Saturday. So today, after work me and Azra (husband) will be headed to Segamat and early morning tomorrow, we’ll be on the road. We haven’t had the opportunity for honeymoon yet but for me, that’s not the issue. We planned to have a mini-honeymoon at Mersing, Kota Tinggi after attending Nurul’s wedding but I believe that Allah has a better plan for us. Tomorrow also, is the 100th day Atuk left us. There’ll be a tahlil after Isya’, so we have to rush back to Segamat after the wedding.

Azra was Atuk’s favourite cucu, it’ll meant a lot to him if he can be there for tahlil, eventhough he told me that we can ‘escape’ the tahlil if we cannot make it. Alah, just honeymoon, tahun depan pun boleh honeymoon lagi. Mersing je pun. Unless la kalo dah tempah flight ticket ke New Zealand, ha, yang tu baru aku boleh bersikap pentingkan diri sendiri.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


I don’t have many friends in my life, but what I have now are the best friends I ever had. A friend who can accept me just the way I am. Who can accept all the goods and bad about me, and they never complaint. Even if they did, they make it sure to do it the softest way they can. As long as I remember I only have 1 friend from my *childhood, several from my **teenage-hood and one or two from my ***adulthood. (See foot note).

I was on the long tele-con with one of my best pal from my adulthood. She’s married a year early than me and now is blessed with a daughter. (I named her Dos for Nando’s). She told me about her conversation with one of our friend (who was ‘sudi’ to be friend with me and Dos while we were in college). Me and Dos memang takde kawan and it was by choice. Don’t ask us why, but we were happy then.

Let me quote a bit the conversation between Dos and our friend, which really made me $%*&#@**. Here goes;

Friend :Eh! Z** keje kat T******* ek?
Dos : Haah! Apsal lak?
Friend :Terror tu. Padahal dulu aku lagi terror. HAHAHAHAHA!!! (dulu tu maksud dia masa kitorang kat U la)
Dos : **blank**
(Dalam hati dah &*%$@#$^^&&&*&)

What the h**l??? And why I was so annoyed?

Apsal dia gelak lepas dia cakap dia terror? Dia ingat lawak?
Dia rasa dia terror ke? Kesian, sbb aku tak rasa pun dia terror.

Kenapa dia boleh rasa dia terror? Sbb mungkin la pointer dia tinggi sket kan. Tapi layak ke dia berbangga dgn pointer dia jika setip exam dia tak kira apa subject dia akan bawak toyol? (Toyol = nota kecik utk meniru). Jangan ingat kitorang tak tau tabiat ko tu!

Z** mungkin tak outstanding masa kat U, tapi aku tau dia rajin. Sebab tu dia end-up jadi engineer kat T******* and kau jadi ******. And aku jugak tau, Z** tak bwk toyol masuk exam. Kalau dia bawak sekalipun, dah rezeki orang tu nak jadi engineer, tak kesahla dia terror ke tak, kan? Aku personally rasa Z** punya pointer lagi tinggi dari orang nih. Tapi Z** tak penah nak heboh2.

Aku dan semua yang disebutkan di atas adalah satu course masa kat U. Yes, kitorang ambik degree in engineering kat one of the IPTA, but sad to say, tak semua orang end-up jadi engineer. Satu yang aku pasti, based on my personal observation, orang2 yang berjaya jadi engineer ini adalah orang2 yang tidak menipu ketika exam dan ikhlas belajar. Ehem! Dan orang2 yang berjaya jadi engineer ini bukan semua yang pointernya tinggi. Tapi, Alhamdulillah, inilah dikatakan rezeki dan KEBERKATAN ilmu yang dicari. InsyaAllah.

To “friend” – serius aku kesian kat ko.
To Z** - Allah blessed you
To Dos – next time please remind me to make an entry about

If you are born with wings, why prefer to crawl?

Yang bermaksud;

Sekiranya anda ada degree engineering dan SPM aggregate 9, kenapa anda jadi
penjual sabun??

No offense pada penjual sabun, just curious tentang seorang lagi kawan yang suka mencanang2kan result SPM dia. But later we found out that actually she purposely missed the 1 before the 9. Came on la! Orang mcm ni pun ada ka???

Foot Note:
*From kindergarten to primary school
**Secondary and university years
***After graduated until present

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Me in March...

Me in March…

There’s nothing special about March, actually. It’s already 5th. Since my wedding last January, my life is just flowing. Nothing unusual happen. I have to put a stop to it. I mean if life is going to be like this, heading nowhere, I’m afraid that at certain period I’ll be de-motivated. I don’t want to be de-motivated. I’ve been there once and it was bad. Really bad. Mandom!

Aku adela plan2 nk further study, but knowing myself very well, I don’t think it’s a good choice. Aku mmg malas belajar. Dari dulu lagi. Buat degree pun nasib je lepas. Hiiisshh!! Mmg malas la nk mengadap assignment la, kuiz la, test la…..Horror!! Aku penah dpt markah 0 tau utk 1st test. Subject Mass balance. Dah la tu carry mark ke final. Tawakkal je masa tu. Dah set dah kat otak, kena repeat pun repeatla. Takde hal. Tapi nasib baik lepas cukup2 makan. Syukur…tau kenapa buleh dapat 0? Sbb aku sibuk wakil kolej main bolatampar. Mlm beforeexam tu ade match. Habis match dh penat, mana smpt study. Bnyk giler la tentang kemalasan aku kat U. To those yg rapat ngan aku kat U mesti tau bnykla hal kemalasan ni. Lindos especially. Ingat tak kita gi mkn Kenny Roger’s kat Mines padahal esok ade test Thermo?? Dgn alasan, blaja mcm nk rak pon mesti tak bleh score!! Tapi kita scorer kan Dos?? Hehe.. Tu subject Dr Amran tu, Oil and Gas Engineering, ade kita study sblm masuk exam? Takde kan? Tgk aper kita dpt? LULUS jugak!! Grad jugak kita akhirnya dengan sungguh bergaya. Gaya mesti ada. Itu mesti!!

Selain dr nk further study antara option yg still under consideration ialah belajar menjahit. Tp planning bila nak start tu blom ada sbb nk ambik cert pun kena pakai duit. Ingat murah?? Basic setakat jahitan tgn tu dah ada, guna mesin jahit pun tau. Tinggal nak kemaskan jahitan je la. Option yg harus dipertimbangkan seseriusnya.

What else? Wah! Cara ckp aku mcm org tak bekerja je. Tapi pegi keje pukul 7.45 pagi and balik sampai rumah pukul 7.00 malam masih membosankan aku. Bagaimana??