Hari ni, Adelia setahun dua minggu, masih belum boleh berjalan. Tapi dah pandai berdiri. Bila dia start berdiri, jangan tanya. Sebab aku tak ingat. It's not that I don't care, I DO CARE but the excitement seeing and being with her everyday, just swept my ingatan away. One thing that remains is the feeling I felt inside. Contented.
I didn't do anything special for her on her 1st birthday. just a small makan2 with my family since Adelia shared the birthday month with Adam (my brother's 1st son). Cukupla, itupun courtesy dari mak cik dia nak buatkan majlis tu. Ikut Ibu, takde ape2 la jawabnya. Poor my daughter, Ibu so not into this party2 thingy. Again, my bad....
But one thing I can promise you Adelia, Ibu will always be there for you whenever and wherever you need me, from the day you were born till the day I die, I say WHENEVER and WHEREVER, during your ups and downs, through your thicks and thins I'll be there for you.
I can't promise you harta bergunung, intan berlian or harta berkepuk sebab itu memang ibu tak mampu but Ibu will make sure makan pakai Adelia cukup, mungkin tak semewah orang lain, tapi setiap bulan berganti. Your education and health are my top priority. Itu janji Ibu.
For the time being, i just want to enjoy and spend as much time with you so don't get bored with me. There will be time someday when you are a grown up and decided to live a life your own way, and then I'll let you free. Oh, i don't want to imagine that.
I meant to put your 1 year old photo here but i left the camera at home. Oh no, no. Ibu is working now and have lots of work to do, i'll put it later when i'm free. Please, Ibu bukan curi tulang. Mencuri kan tak elok. Ingat pesan Ibu? Ibu menaip ni dari rumah (dlm imaginasi) guna netbook abah. Adelia kan selalu nampak Ibu buat keje kat netbook?
Ok lah ye, sehingga bertemu lagi. Bos Ibu panggil!