Hari ni awal2 lagi laki aku dah request nak makan ayam masak lemak cili api. Ingat baru nak buat ayam masak merah. Lain kali la nampaknya. Semalam dia masak sambal ikan tongkol tapi rasa macam sambal sardin. Pelik tak? Dahla dia tak makan sardin. Padanla muka terkulat2 makan "sardin ikan tongkol" dia tu.
Nak kena singgah kedai plak. Kunyit idup ngan kentang takde. Santan pun kena tambah sekotak lagi. Ada tinggal setengah kotak je kat umah tu. Muak btol la masak lemak tu.... Nasib baikla aku dah boleh bedal semua. S.E.M.U.A. Takde dah mabuk2 jalanan lagi.
Hiissshh!! Kacau la, orang nak tgk citer korea pukul 7.30 mlm tu. Dah hari-hari follow macam best la plak.
B.E.Y.O.N.D. H.O.R.I.Z.O.N

journey through a long winding road
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Nak pergi ke tak ?
Sabtu ni asy (adik) dh nak balik kedah. aku plak dah terbukak mulut kat azra best jugak kalo gi jalan2 kat penang (sambil makan2).azra dah excited giler. mula- mula aku pun excited tapi makin lama makin tak excited bila pikir banyak benda nak buat kat rumah. balik jalan2 nanti mesti penat.
Nak cat rumah lagi, nak pegi beli barang baby lagi, nak servis kancil lagi, tak termasuk kerja rutin macam kemas rumah, iron baju dan sebagainya...
Tapi kalau tak pergi jalan2 sekarang bila lagi? Nanti anak dah keluar dah tak boleh nak enjoy dah berdua. Sekarang boleh lagi la jalan2 bawak backpack. Nanti dah ada anak nak kena bawak bakul susu, beg baju dia, diapers etc..
So kesimpulannya, pegi je la hantar asy pastu jalan2 kat penang. Aku nk gi penang ni sebab nak makan nasi kandar, laksa penang, kari kepala ikan dan macam2 lagi food orang penang ni. tu yang buat excited terlebih tu.
Tapi, rasa malas ni memang potong stim betulla...
Pegi ke tak? Tapi dah rasa 70% nak pegi sekarang nih. Pikir positif, pikir makan. InsyaAllah...
Friday, December 4, 2009
i just want to eat home cook meal. salah ke?
seriously i don't understand. if people tell you last minute that he/she is already on their way to your house, and you are in the midst of preparing dinner, should you just continue your business or call it quits and wait for them to arrive and bring them dinner somewhere instead? and you as well just arrive home after one and half hour drive from office. and pregnant. and need to wake at 6.00 am next morning.
you choose.
i choose to continue with my own business, doing my routine, and wait for the guest. of course, i will prepare extra food for the guest. and guest, please don't expect too much from me because you don't notify earlier.
i am sick. just sick.
seriously i don't understand. if people tell you last minute that he/she is already on their way to your house, and you are in the midst of preparing dinner, should you just continue your business or call it quits and wait for them to arrive and bring them dinner somewhere instead? and you as well just arrive home after one and half hour drive from office. and pregnant. and need to wake at 6.00 am next morning.
you choose.
i choose to continue with my own business, doing my routine, and wait for the guest. of course, i will prepare extra food for the guest. and guest, please don't expect too much from me because you don't notify earlier.
i am sick. just sick.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Lllooooooooonnnnnnngggggggg silence...
And now i'm back!!
1. My last post was on June 27th. i was not in the best of health since July due to reason you-know-what lah kan
2. Feeling much better lepas raya but still not 100% ok.
3. Completely ok in end of Oct.
4. But then busy with preparation for you-know-what.
5. Still under preparation. Almost 50% completed. Pending the shopping part.
6. Start hibernate in February next year. Ooopppsss!! My sister getting engage in this month. Of all the months in a year...
7. End March/early April, welcoming the baby!!
8. Confinement until end May or early June.
9. July - sister 's wedding. Again, of all the months, dia nak jugak buat time aku tgh GEM_ _.
10. Aku free lepas nih.
And most of all kenapa aku tak memblog adalah kerana
ingatkan kukudabacato, rupanya kuku........
And now i'm back!!
1. My last post was on June 27th. i was not in the best of health since July due to reason you-know-what lah kan
2. Feeling much better lepas raya but still not 100% ok.
3. Completely ok in end of Oct.
4. But then busy with preparation for you-know-what.
5. Still under preparation. Almost 50% completed. Pending the shopping part.
6. Start hibernate in February next year. Ooopppsss!! My sister getting engage in this month. Of all the months in a year...
7. End March/early April, welcoming the baby!!
8. Confinement until end May or early June.
9. July - sister 's wedding. Again, of all the months, dia nak jugak buat time aku tgh GEM_ _.
10. Aku free lepas nih.
And most of all kenapa aku tak memblog adalah kerana
ingatkan kukudabacato, rupanya kuku........
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